Movement of Change makers

Become part of the Global Community collaborating to solve the pressing problems of our time. Connect and be part of the positive force changing society

It is time to come together in wholeness

Human creativity, collaboration & innovation is fueled by self-awareness & open-hearted, authentic, deep connection


The world needs Change makers with great self-awareness who work for increased awareness and global compassion. Join us to make a difference and develop your abilities to hold space, inspire & communicate with people with different values, cultures & beliefs.

Co-Creating a
Bold new World

We are a global initiative that develops inner abilities, skills and other qualities for people and organisations involved in efforts to contribute to a more sustainable global society.

To achieve this, we train “change makers” and empower them with a wide range of techniques and methods inside their toolboxes so they can guide others to the next level of their spiritual development.


We’re empowering people to feel more happy and fulfilled in their lives.

The Care Meditation practice enables you to experience a more loving relationship with yourself, to other people….. and to the world at large.


Enrich your life & relationships, feel more happy and fulfilled in their lives. Meditation enables a more loving relationship to oneself, to other people and to the world at large.

Throughout the training, we explored a range of meditation techniques and practices, from mindfulness and concentration to loving-kindness and compassion. The instructors shared their deep understanding of these practices, drawing on their own extensive experience as practitioners and teachers.

Anna Kronlid

"This course transformed me by providing a much-needed break from my hectic lifestyle. It taught me various techniques to enhance my mindfulness, including traditional and modern meditation styles, breathing exercises, and consciousness practices. The course structure was well-designed, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking inner peace and well-being."

Daida Mascaro

"Through a guided journey with a clear purpose, I was able to achieve a state of peacefulness and contentment. The social aspect of the experience has had a profound impact on how I relate to others. During meditation, I had an incredible experience where my whole body was vibrating, and I felt truly alive afterwards. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it."

Kiran Bohman

What we believe


The Care Meditation practice enables you to experience a more loving relationship with yourself, to other people….. and to the world at large.


We are a global initiative that develops inner abilities, skills and other qualities for people and organisations involved in efforts to contribute to a more sustainable global society.


An inner transformation is necessary for the outer transformation, to reform our systems and way of living: to face the pressing sustainability challenges of our time​


We believe in combining neuroscience & psychology with the wisdom from ancient contemplative traditions?


We embrace diversity and include people & collectives with different views and backgrounds


Awareness and compassion based interventions for self-leadership and transformation of workplace culture

Our Vision

We want to educate, inspire & empower people to be a positive force for change in society and find a more purposeful wayto look at our lives and the lives of the people around us.


What sort of People join the Care Community?

The Care Community attracts a diverse range of individuals, including:

  • Changemakers dedicated to creating positive impact in the world.
  • Personal trainers seeking to integrate mindfulness and holistic well-being into their practice.
  • Yoga teachers and mindfulness teachers interested in expanding their knowledge and skills.
  • Visionaries and individual seekers on a path of personal growth and transformation.
  • Business consultants looking to incorporate mindfulness and well-being practices into their work.
  • Teachers and counselors seeking to enhance their understanding of mindfulness and self-care.
  • HR professionals interested in promoting well-being and mindfulness in the workplace.
  • Healthcare professionals and therapists aiming to integrate mindfulness into their practice.
  • Busy business leaders seeking tools and techniques to manage stress and enhance well-being.
  • Career changers exploring new paths aligned with mindfulness and holistic living.

Who is this Community for exactly?

The Care Community is designed for a wide range of individuals who are passionate about personal growth, mindfulness, and creating positive change. Whether you are a changemaker, a yoga teacher, a healthcare professional, a business leader, or someone going through a career transition, this community offers a supportive environment to connect, learn, and thrive. The Care Community welcomes individuals from various backgrounds and professions who share a common interest in mindfulness, well-being, and personal transformation.

How can the Care Community support my personal growth journey?


    • The Care Community provides a nurturing and inclusive environment where you can connect with like-minded individuals, access valuable resources, and engage in transformative practices. Through our programs, workshops, and events, you’ll gain knowledge, tools, and techniques to enhance your personal growth, well-being, and mindfulness practice. Additionally, the supportive community network offers opportunities for collaboration, shared experiences, and ongoing support on your journey of personal development.

Are there any prerequisites or prior experience required to join the Care Community?

No prior experience or specific prerequisites are necessary to join the Care Community. Our programs and offerings cater to individuals at various stages of their personal growth journey, from beginners to experienced practitioners. Whether you are new to mindfulness or have an established practice, the Care Community welcomes you with open arms. Our aim is to create an inclusive space where individuals from all backgrounds can learn, grow, and support one another in their pursuit of well-being and personal transformation.

How can I actively engage and participate in the Care Community?


    • There are several ways to actively engage and participate in the Care Community:
      • Attend our live events, workshops, and retreats to deepen your understanding and practice.
      • Connect with other members through our online forums, discussion groups, or social media platforms.
      • Share your insights, experiences, and questions within the community to foster meaningful discussions.
      • Explore our resources, including articles, videos, and guided meditations, to support your journey.
      • Consider joining study groups or mentorship programs to further enhance your learning and growth.
      • Volunteer or contribute your skills to community initiatives, projects, or events.
      • Stay informed about community updates and opportunities through our newsletters and announcements.

Speak to a Program Specialist

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